Common Causes of Florida Car Accidents

The National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA) maintains annual statistical data on Florida automobile accidents and fatalities for every calendar year. Florida’s accident and fatality rate are continually climbing. The NHTSA details driver behavior that causes Florida traffic fatalities and injuries. Here are four of the major causes.

Driving Under the Influence
Drunk driving, drugged driving or any combination of the two impairs a driver’s ability to safely react to constantly changing traffic and road conditions. Even a prescription drug can diminish a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. When mixed with alcohol, a driver has consumed a very dangerous cocktail. Although on the decrease, drunk and drugged driving remains a significant cause of Florida auto accidents.

Distracted Driving
Distracted driving crashes in Florida are increasing. The personal injury attorneys in Miami FL at Buchalter Hoffman and Dorchak describe distracted driving as any activity that diverts a driver’s attention from safely operating a motor vehicle. Common distractions while driving is talking on a cell phone, texting, programming an infotainment center, eating or even personal grooming. You can be ticketed for distracted driving in Florida.

There are reasons for speed limits, and the primary reason is to get people from their point of departure to their destination safely. People who drive in excess of the speed limit significantly increase their chances of being in a crash and injuring themselves or somebody else. That’s why speeding tickets are written.

Following Too Closely
As per the NHTSA, nearly 30 percent of all traffic accidents are rear end collisions that are almost always caused by a motorist following the car ahead too closely. The person who was following too closely is almost always held liable for injuries resulting from a rear-end collision.

If you were seriously injured in one of these types of accidents in or around Miami, contact the personal injury attorneys in Miami FL at Buchalter Hoffman and Dorchak right away to arrange for a free consultation and case review. If we’re retained, no legal fees are even due unless we obtain a settlement or verdict for you.

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