One of the types of injury cases stems from defective products. If you suffered an injury or other damages due to a product you own that turned out to be defective, you have the legal right to file a product liability claim. There are certain facts to understand when proving the legitimacy of your claim.
In general, there are four elements you are required to prove in a product liability claim. They include the following:
• You suffered an injury, damages or a loss
• The product is defective
• The product’s defect directly caused your injury
• You have used the product as it was meant to be used
There are three categories of product liability cases. Those include a defective design in the product, a manufacturing defect in the product or lack of adequate warnings or instructions printed on the product’s box or packaging. It’s important to acknowledge that it’s important to retain an experienced product liability attorney if you are filing a claim.
In most cases, when a defective product has directly led to injuries, damages or some other type of loss, people who have such claims can initiate a class action lawsuit for product liability against the company, manufacturer or distributor of that product. Once one or two plaintiffs start a case, other injured parties can join that suit as well to recover compensation.
Product liability cases brought about due to injuries or damages involve certain theories. Specifically, the claim would be made based on negligence. However, it’s required to prove the following in such a case:
• The product’s manufacturer owed a duty to customers
• The manufacturer breached that duty
• The manufacturer’s breached duty caused your injury or damages
• You suffered damages due to the negligence
If you are located in Florida and believe you have a claim for product liability after suffering injuries while using a defective product, you should contact Buchalter Hoffman and Dorchak. You will be connected with Miami Florida defective product attorneys immediately. Discuss your case with experienced Miami Florida defective product attorneys at Buchalter Hoffman and Dorchak today.