When you buy insurance, you expect to have peace of mind. However, there are times when an insurance company will deny your claim for no good reason. When this happens, you may have no choice but to file a bad faith insurance claim. When doing so, rely on the help of an insurance law firm in Miami with experience in these matters, such as Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak.
Review Your Policy
To start with, always review your policy to make sure your original claim is covered under the terms of the contract.
Gather Evidence
Along with photos, estimates, and correspondence you have had with the insurance company, also have details about phone calls or meetings you have had with company representatives.
Appeal to State Regulatory Agency
When all else fails, work with Miami FL insurance attorneys to file an appeal of your claim with your state’s insurance regulatory agency. By doing so, you can usually get a mediation hearing with the agency in an attempt to resolve the dispute. In these situations, always have legal representation consisting of experienced and knowledgeable insurance attorneys.
Filing a Lawsuit
Once you and your Miami FL insurance attorneys have exhausted all other options, it is then time to file a lawsuit against the insurance company that denied your claim. To do so, this will require several steps and important decisions. These will include whether the lawsuit should be filed in state or federal court, as well as additional claims added to the lawsuit, such as negligence, fraud, and breach of contract.
Rather than sit back and allow an insurance company to deny your valid claim, work with an insurance law firm in Miami that has a track record of success making these companies keep their word to customers. To get started, schedule an immediate consultation with the law firm of Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak.