Is Pain and Suffering Something I Can Sue for in Florida?

car accident

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident, you may be wondering if you’re entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering you’ve endured. According to Florida Statute 627.737, there are very specific parameters that need to be met for your suit to prove successful. If your accident did not leave you permanently disfigured or unable to work, it’s unlikely that any claim you file on your own will be successful due to the nebulous language of the law. Contacting a personal injury expert like those here at the law firm of Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak can greatly improve your chances of things going your way.

We are a Miami FL accident law firm specializing in personal injuries. We serve all of South Florida and are experts in our field. Our Miami FL personal injury attorneys have helped clients recover thousands of dollars in damages, money that helps you pay medical bills and get back on your feet after an accident.

The state of Florida groups damages into two classes: economic, like loss of work, direct damage to your vehicle, etc., and non-economic. Both physical and emotional suffering generally fall under non-economic damages, which is not to say that these things will not impact you financially, after all, therapy of any kind can be very expensive! It only means that in the eyes of the law, an economic value must be assessed and assigned for the damages in question.

For South Florida clients, hiring a Miami FL accident law firm is vital because you will be able to sit down with someone in person that can help you assess the damage you suffered and provide legal justification for your compensation. When it comes to Miami FL personal injury attorneys, the experts at Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak can’t be beat!

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