Insurance Claim Denied? What to Do Next

insurance denied

An insurance denial is saddening and can make you feel defeated. It is even more confusing when you are denied coverage that you pay for every month. If an insurance claim was properly filed, it may not make sense why it was not accepted. Miami Florida insurance lawyers know the many reasons why insurance companies deny claims and what next steps need to be taken. An insurance law firm in Miami can help you as you seek to reapply for the coverage you deserve. At Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak, we show our clients how we prioritize their needs as we approach the insurance company on their behalf.

What to do After an Insurance Claim Denial
When your insurance claim has been denied, the submission process restarts, but with the need of more satisfactory evidence. The following steps can be taken by Miami Florida insurance lawyers as they defend your claim:

1. Take note of the reason for denial.
The starting point is to determine why the denial was issued. In the next application, be sure that this reason is addressed so that it is eliminated as a cause for another denial.

2. Get help from professionals.
Often, professionals in the field related to the insurance claim can help substantiate the need for insurance coverage. For example, a doctor can provide medical expertise as to why a certain procedure was necessary.

3. Continue to reapply.
Insurance companies want to avoid having to pay money, so reapplication may be needed in some instances. It is highly advised to do so with an insurance law firm in Miami on your side.

Facing an insurance company after a claim denial can be difficult to do on your own. The law office of Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak can help you get the coverage that you deserve. Contact our office to learn more.

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