The accident law firm in Miami
understands that product liability law creates a remedy for people who have been
injured by defective products. Whether a product has been designed badly,
manufactured incorrectly, or sold without proper warnings, defective product
cases are complicated. Those cases are even more complicated if you have to
file a lawsuit for a loved one. When you or a loved one have been injured by a
defective product, Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak is there to help.
Proving that a product is defective and that the defect caused injury or death
is rarely easy. Typically, you need a qualified expert to make that showing,
and you also need doctors and sometimes other experts to establish what injures
the defective product caused. Miami Florida defective product lawyers know how
to properly investigate and develop your defective product case.
Sometimes you can file a defective product case for your loved one. Because the
law limits when you can file a lawsuit for a loved one, you should consult with
the accident law firm in Miami whenever you think you have reason to file a
defective product case for a loved one.
A parent can usually file a defective product case for a minor child, but there
are circumstances where that is not proper. If your injured loved one is an
adult, then you will need to be appointed guardian for that person unless you
have a valid power of attorney. Miami Florida defective product lawyers can
help you determine whether you are allowed to file a defective product case for
your loved one, and what you need to do if you are not allowed.
Any lawsuit can be difficult, and defective product cases always are. Buchalter
Hoffman & Dorchak knows how handle your case so that you can focus on your
life and your loved one.