Car Accident Compensation Delayed Because of COVID? How a Lawyer Helps

car accident compensation delayed

For millions of people across the globe, the coronavirus pandemic has been wrecking unprecedented havoc in recent months, forcing nearly everyone to re-adjust some aspect of their lives.

The course of legal proceedings have been interrupted as well, including the litigation of personal injury suits. If you’ve been seeking compensation from a car accident, you may find your own case delayed or at a standstill as a result of the coronavirus. As healthcare systems throughout the United States continue adjusting their practices in light of COVID-19, including developments in telemedicine and access to non-emergency care, you may be facing delays or even cancellations of specialist or physical therapy appointments. And as many civil courts either remain closed or are just beginning their reopening phase, hearing delays continue to be the reality throughout the U.S.

If these scenarios sound familiar, it’s best to keep some things in mind. Although you may be tempted to enter into a quick settlement, particularly if you’ve taken a financial hit as a result of the pandemic, it may not be in your best interest to accept an offer that will ultimately prove insufficient for your long-term needs or expenses.

If you haven’t already, this may be a good time to retain legal counsel to assist with your case rather than continuing to handle things on your own. While many North Miami car accident lawyers may be available to assist, you should be careful to select one that is particularly knowledgeable about negotiating with insurance companies and fighting to help you receive the best settlement possible.

Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak, North Miami car accident lawyers, can assess your case with a free consultation and provide the skill and expertise you need to help you navigate through these challenging times. For more information about how their more than 100 years of combined experience can make a difference in your life, contact the office of Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak today.

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