What Information Do You Need To Begin A Medical Malpractice Suit

medical malpractice suit

Whether you have had surgery, visited a doctor on suspicions of having cancer, or had medical tests that required careful analysis by doctors, you may be one of the many patients that has something go terribly wrong along the way. In many instances, this is due to a doctor’s negligence or carelessness when treating you. Should this happen, you may have the basis for a medical malpractice lawsuit. If you believe this to be the case, speak to medical malpractice attorneys in North Miami at Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak immediately.

Expert Witness Testimony

Since a medical malpractice lawsuit will hinge on whether or not the doctor in question violated the standard of care and thus caused your injury, you will need the opinion of another healthcare professional who can serve as an expert witness. Along with possessing the same level of training and experience as the doctor you visited, the expert witness will need to show what the standard of care was in your situation, how the previous doctor failed to meet this standard, and how you were harmed by the doctor’s negligence and carelessness.

Affidavit of Merit

In some states, you can only file a medical malpractice lawsuit after obtaining what is known as an affidavit of merit from a medical expert. Signed under oath, this document must go into detail as to what was done or not done to you that resulted in the harm you allege in your lawsuit. In some instances, a state may only require this affidavit be signed under oath by an expert who has stated he or she has reviewed your case and it does indeed have merit to be heard by a court.

If you are determined to hold a negligent doctor accountable for their actions, schedule your consultation now with medical malpractice attorneys in North Miami at Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak.

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