Common Florida Slip and Fall Accident Causes

slip and fall causes

Slip and fall accidents occur almost anywhere. The good news is that victims can get compensation for the accident from the owner of the building where the accident took place. You can also get compensation from the person who should have prevented the accident. Slip and fall accident lawyers in Miami FL, will help you understand your rights and how much you should get in compensation. The best, in this case, are those from the Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak.

The following are the common causes of slip and fall accidents that this law firm handles:

Uneven and Wet Surfaces

The leading cause of slip and fall accidents handled at Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak is uneven and wet surfaces. The uneven surfaces are caused by:

The wet surfaces are often a result of:

Most outdoor accidents are caused by adverse weather conditions like snow, ice, and rainfall. Slip and fall accident lawyers in Miami FL can sue the owners of buildings and municipalities for accidents caused by adverse weather. These parties should clean and salt the affected walkways and plow streets to make them safe for pedestrians.

Improper Training

Some slip and fall accidents affect workers on their job sites often in the manufacturing and construction industries. These are primarily caused by a lack of training on how the workers should protect themselves or use the protective equipment provided. In this instance, workers can sue their employers for compensation.

Getting compensation for a slip and fall accident will go a long way in getting your life back on track. It nonetheless is not easy without a good lawyer. Contact Buchalter Hoffman & Dorchak for the best legal representation after your accident.

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